Sunday, April 1, 2018


Ready Player One was not exactly the movie I was expecting. 
As a thirty-something geek who has read Ernest Cline’s highly-immersive novel, I was looking forward to an epic mash-up of all the stuff and characters that made my childhood great.  I was looking forward to seeing Japanese mecha fighting alongside the heroes of the of my favourite Saturday morning cartoons flying in vehicles from my favourite 80s movies.

Prior to watching the movie, I reread the book, and this is where the problem lies.  The highly immersive book, with at least twice the number of retro pop-culture references  has set the bar so high that watching the movie version left me unsatisfied.  In order to streamline the story and make the book friendlier to the PG crowd, the movie’s writers have changed a lot of the major plot points in the book.  The changes were so drastic that it almost felt like it was totally different story from the book.  Since this is a spoiler-free review, I will be comparing the book and the movie in a separate article.

Setting the book aside, the movie is a great piece of work.  Eye-popping visuals combined with the plenty of pop-culture references makes for a highly entertaining movie which would keep you glued to the screen watching for the next cameo.  You would definitely want to rewatch the movie just to catch all of the easter eggs that you may have missed.  If you have not read the book and watched the movie, it’s best that you watch the movie first, then after, read the book.

Final Verdict
Take the movie as it is- a fun and action-filled tribute to some of the greatest and most memorable characters in 80s-90s pop-culture.   Enjoy the movie and try not to compare too much with the  book.

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